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What Happens the Moment You are Inspired

Have   you   ever   felt   inspired   by   God?   Have   you   ever   wondered   how   God   speaks   to   you   and   guides   your   life?   This   blog   post   explores   the   concept   of   divine   inspiration.   and   answers   frequently   asked   questions   about   who   can   receive   it,   what   it   is,   when   it   happens,   where   it   comes   from,   why   it   matters,   and   how   to   recognize   it. Who   can   receive   inspiration   from   God?   The   answer   is   simple.   Is anyone   looking   for   it.   God   loves   all   children   and   wants   to   communicate   with   them.   He   doesn't   limit   his   inspiration   to   a   few   or   any   particular   group.   He   invites   everyone   to   listen   to   him   and   follow   his   will.   As   the   Bible   says   in   James   1:5,   "If   any   of   you   lack   wisdom,   ask   God,   who   gives   generously   without   reproach,   and   it   will   be   given   to   you.   and