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Showing posts with the label divine connection

Unveiling Divine Revelation: A Guide to Identifying its Presence in Your Life

       In our journey through life, we often seek guidance and direction to help us make decisions and find meaning. For believers, the concept of divine revelation holds a prominent place. The idea that the Divine communicates with us personally provides comfort, direction, and a sense of purpose. However, recognizing whether we are truly following divine revelation can be a challenging undertaking. In this blog post, we will explore some key indicators that can help you discern if you are indeed following divine guidance. Openness to Spiritual Experiences: One of the initial signs of following divine revelation is being receptive to spiritual experiences. These experiences can manifest in various forms such as dreams, signs, synchronicities, or an overwhelming feeling of peace and certainty. Being attuned to the whispers of the Divine requires openness and willingness to engage in deep introspection and spiritual practices like prayer and meditation. Alignment with...

VIDEO: Worship In The Wilderness: What I Learned from a Sermon by TD Jakes

Worshipping in Wilderness with Examples Have you ever felt like you are in a spiritual wilderness, where you don't sense God's presence or hear His voice? Maybe you are going through a difficult season of life, or facing a challenge that seems insurmountable. Maybe you are struggling with doubt, fear, or discouragement. Maybe you are just feeling dry and distant from God. If you can relate to any of these scenarios, you are not alone. Many people in the Bible experienced wilderness times, such as Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, and Jesus Himself. They faced trials, temptations, and troubles that tested their faith and endurance. But they also learned valuable lessons and grew closer to God in the process. One of the keys to surviving and thriving in the wilderness is to worship God. Worship is not just singing songs or attending church services. Worship is a lifestyle of honoring, praising, and adoring God for who He is and what He has done. Worship is expressing our lo...