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VIDEO: Worship In The Wilderness: What I Learned from a Sermon by TD Jakes

Worshipping in Wilderness with Examples

Have you ever felt like you are in a spiritual wilderness, where you don't sense God's presence or hear His voice? Maybe you are going through a difficult season of life, or facing a challenge that seems insurmountable. Maybe you are struggling with doubt, fear, or discouragement. Maybe you are just feeling dry and distant from God.

If you can relate to any of these scenarios, you are not alone. Many people in the Bible experienced wilderness times, such as Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, and Jesus Himself. They faced trials, temptations, and troubles that tested their faith and endurance. But they also learned valuable lessons and grew closer to God in the process.

One of the keys to surviving and thriving in the wilderness is to worship God. Worship is not just singing songs or attending church services. Worship is a lifestyle of honoring, praising, and adoring God for who He is and what He has done. Worship is expressing our love and gratitude to God with our whole being: our thoughts, words, actions, and emotions.

Worshiping God in the wilderness can help us to:

- Remember God's faithfulness and goodness in the past
- Renew our trust and hope in God's promises and plans for the future
- Resist the enemy's lies and attacks that try to discourage and deceive us
- Receive God's grace and strength to overcome our weaknesses and challenges
- Rejoice in God's presence and peace that surpasses all understanding

Here are some examples of how we can worship God in the wilderness:

- Read and meditate on God's Word, especially the Psalms, which are full of expressions of worship in various situations.
- Pray and talk to God about everything that is on your heart, including your fears, doubts, needs, and desires. Listen for His voice and guidance.
- Sing or listen to songs that declare God's greatness, power, love, and faithfulness. Music can lift our spirits and fill our minds with truth.
- Write or journal your thoughts, feelings, questions, and praises to God. Writing can help us process our emotions and gain clarity and perspective.
- Share your testimony and experiences with others who can encourage you and pray for you. We can also encourage and pray for others who are going through wilderness times.
- Serve others in practical ways that show God's love and compassion. Serving can take our focus off ourselves and our problems, and bless others in need.

Worshipping God in the wilderness is not easy, but it is possible. And it is worth it. As we worship God in the wilderness, we will discover more of His beauty, majesty, glory, and grace. We will draw nearer to His heart and experience His joy and satisfaction. We will also prepare ourselves for the breakthroughs and blessings that He has in store for us when we come out of the wilderness.

So let us not give up or lose heart in the wilderness. Let us worship God in spirit and in truth, with all that we are and have. He is worthy of our worship, always and forever.


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