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A Journey of Empathy and Growth: My Experience as an Registered Behavior Technician

 Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! Today, I am excited to share my journey as a registered behavior technician (RBT) working with a 7-year-old child and his siblings. I recently started working with this amazing family, and I must say, it has been a truly enjoyable experience so far.

The 7-year-old has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and receives applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy at home. He is incredibly intelligent, inquisitive, and full of energy. His interests include playing with cars, trains, and puzzles. Additionally, he loves watching videos on his tablet and singing along to his favorite songs. As an RBT, I assist him in acquiring new skills and behaviors that will enhance his quality of life and social interactions. I utilize positive reinforcement, prompting, modeling, and various other strategies to teach him how to communicate effectively, follow instructions, engage in play with others, manage his emotions, and much more. One of the challenges I encounter as an RBT is working with his siblings. He has a 5-year-old sister and a 3-year-old brother who are equally active and playful. At times, they express a desire to participate in the therapy sessions or become envious of the attention their brother receives. They may also exhibit loud, disruptive, or even aggressive behavior towards him or me. To address this, I strive to involve them in the therapy sessions whenever possible, as long as it aligns with the session's goals and objectives. I also make a point to offer them praise, attention, and rewards when they exhibit positive behavior and cooperate. Occasionally, I need to establish boundaries and rules for them, such as taking turns, sharing toys, maintaining quietness, or temporarily leaving the room. Balancing the needs of all the children in the family is undoubtedly challenging, but I firmly believe it is crucial to do so. My aim is to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone involved.
Additionally, I am dedicated to building rapport and trust with the parents, who are highly engaged and supportive of their son's therapy. I am eagerly looking forward to continuing my work with this family and witnessing the progress that the 7-year-old will undoubtedly make. This experience has also been a tremendous learning opportunity for me, and I am truly grateful for the chance to make a difference.


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