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Exposing witchcraft, gangstalking, and narcissism


Witchcraft: The Silent Destroyer

Photo by cottonbro studio

    Witchcraft, in its various forms, has been a silent destroyer of lives for centuries. From subtle manipulation to overt curses, witchcraft seeks to control, dominate, and destroy. The Bible warns us about the dangers of witchcraft in Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Leviticus 19:26, and Galatians 5:20. Yet, many Christians remain unaware of the witchcraft that surrounds them, often disguised as "harmless" practices or "spiritual" experiences.

    God is exposing witchcraft in our midst, revealing the hidden agendas and motivations of those who practice it. He is awakening His people to the reality of spiritual warfare and the need for discernment, prayer, and protection. As we seek God's guidance, we'll begin to recognize the signs of witchcraft, including:

 Unexplained illnesses or afflictions

Strange, unshakeable feelings of fear or anxiety

Unusual, vivid dreams or nightmares

 Sudden, intense emotional shifts

Unexplained financial difficulties or losses

Photo by Ron Lach

Gangstalking: The Sinister Surveillance

    Gangstalking, a form of organized stalking, is a growing concern in our society. This covert harassment involves a group of individuals, often with ties to law enforcement, government agencies, or organized crime, who systematically surveil, intimidate, and manipulate their targets. Gangstalking can lead to social isolation, emotional distress, and even physical harm.
    God is exposing gangstalking, revealing the hidden networks and operatives who perpetuate this evil. He is empowering His people to stand against this form of oppression, to speak out against the injustices, and to support those who have been targeted. As we seek God's justice, we'll begin to recognize the signs of gangstalking, including:

Unusual, repetitive encounters with strangers

Sudden, unexplained changes in your daily routine

Feeling watched or surveilled, even in private spaces

Receiving strange, threatening messages or gifts

Experiencing sudden, unexplained "accidents" or "coincidences"

**Narcissistic Abuse: The Mask of Deception**

Narcissistic abuse, a form of emotional manipulation, is a pervasive problem in our relationships, families, and communities. Narcissists, driven by a need for power and control, use charm, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail to exploit and dominate their victims.

God is exposing narcissistic abuse, revealing the hidden patterns and tactics of these manipulators. He is empowering His people to recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse, to set healthy boundaries, and to seek healing and restoration. As we seek God's wisdom, we'll begin to recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse, including:

* Feeling constantly belittled, criticized, or humiliated
* Walking on eggshells to avoid conflict or anger
* Feeling trapped, suffocated, or controlled
* Experiencing emotional whiplash or mood swings
* Feeling isolated, alone, or abandoned


God is exposing witchcraft, gangstalking, and narcissistic abuse, revealing the hidden truths and empowering His people to stand against these evil forces. As we seek God's guidance, protection, and justice, we'll begin to recognize the signs of these insidious practices and take a stand against them.


Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging the evil that surrounds us. We ask for Your guidance, protection, and justice in the face of witchcraft, gangstalking, and narcissistic abuse. Reveal to us the hidden truths, empower us to stand against these forces, and bring healing and restoration to those who have been affected.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

**Action Steps:**

1. Educate yourself: Learn about witchcraft, gangstalking, and narcissistic abuse to recognize the signs and symptoms.
2. Seek God's guidance: Pray for discernment, protection, and wisdom in the face of these evil forces.
3. Support others: Reach out to those who have been targeted or affected, offering emotional support and spiritual guidance.
4. Speak out: Share your story, raise awareness, and advocate for justice and accountability.

Remember, God is exposing the darkness, and His light will prevail. Stand with Him, and together, we'll bring hope, healing, and restoration to a world in need


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