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A Journey of Empathy and Growth: My Experience as an Registered Behavior Technician

  Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! Today, I am excited to share my journey as a registered behavior technician (RBT) working with a 7-year-old child and his siblings. I recently started working with this amazing family, and I must say, it has been a truly enjoyable experience so far. The 7-year-old has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and receives applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy at home. He is incredibly intelligent, inquisitive, and full of energy. His interests include playing with cars, trains, and puzzles. Additionally, he loves watching videos on his tablet and singing along to his favorite songs. As an RBT, I assist him in acquiring new skills and behaviors that will enhance his quality of life and social interactions. I utilize positive reinforcement, prompting, modeling, and various other strategies to teach him how to communicate effectively, follow instructions, engage in play with others, manage his emotions, and much more. One of the challenges I encounter as an

Improve it: Experiencing God's Timing in Relation to Anxiety

Dear Diary 📓, I am amazed by the incredible journey I have been on. Today, as I reflect 🤔, I am overwhelmed with emotions 😭. This story is one that I never imagined I would live, but it has taught me invaluable lessons about faith 🙏, resilience 💪, and the power of God's timing 🕰️. A few months ago, we were struggling financially 💰 and facing foreclosure 🔒. Each day was a battle ⚔️, and despair seemed to lurk around every corner. Our electricity was also cut off 🔌, leaving our home in darkness and cold ❄️. I vividly remember that night, feeling defeated and crushed in spirit 😔. Anxiety gripped my heart ❤️, and thoughts of hopelessness consumed my mind 🧠. Tears streamed down my face as I questioned why this was happening to us. Fear whispered in my ear, convincing me that we were destined to lose everything. But it is during these moments of desperation that we often find ourselves at a crossroads, where faith becomes our guiding light. It was during this time that I made

September 2023 Monthly Personal Entry

I am amazed at the incredible journey I have been on. Today, as I sit here and reflect, I am overwhelmed with emotions. This story is one that I never expected to live, but it has taught me invaluable lessons about faith, resilience, and the power of divine timing. September 2023 This month began with its fair share of challenges. September has always been a difficult time for me, as it marks the anniversary of the passing of my sister, grandmother, and other painful incidents from the past. Needless to say, I never look forward to September. So, I was still unemployed... And the pressure to provide for my children intensified as they started school. Transitioning from the lazy days of summer to the hustle and bustle of fall was not easy. But what I learned from God... I learned to let go of my pride. First, there was a back-to-school event at the school where I was able to get some supplies for my kindergartener. Then, a close friend reached out and took the kids to another bac

Beatitudes, Wilderness, and Revelations

        We owe our ability to witness Jesus' gospel today to the courageous individuals who preceded us, venturing into the wilderness to seek the Father. Just think, if John had succumbed to laziness or illness, the entire narrative would have been forever changed. Nevertheless, John the Baptist dutifully fulfilled the words of the living word, preaching with his characteristic zeal. It is truly remarkable how his occupation marked the inception of the most significant odyssey in the entire universe. As the beatitudes teach us, when we align ourselves with the Spirit of God, we are always in perfect harmony with His divine purpose. Matthew 5:3-12 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mour  for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure

How to Write an Ebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today's digital era, writing an ebook has become an increasingly popular method for aspiring authors to share their work with the world. Whether you have a wealth of knowledge on a specific subject, a captivating story to tell, or helpful tips and insights to provide, creating an ebook can be an exhilarating and fulfilling journey.  In this blog post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of writing an ebook and transforming your ideas into a polished and published piece of work.   Step 1: Select a Topic Choosing a topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, and target audience is crucial. Take into consideration the demand, relevance, and uniqueness of your chosen subject. Conduct thorough research to identify market trends, reader interests, and potential gaps that you can fill with valuable content.   Step 2: Create an Outline for Your Ebook  Developing a detailed outline is essential for organizing your thoughts, defining chapters and sections, and maintain

Trusting the Divine Blueprint: God's Promise in Romans 8:28

In the journey of life, uncertainties and challenges often test our resolve and faith. However, for Christians, there's a steadfast assurance found in Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse serves as a beacon of hope, reminding believers that God's hand is intricately woven into every aspect of their lives, working tirelessly for their ultimate good. The Power of Assurance: The promise encapsulated in Romans 8:28 is a powerful reminder that God's sovereignty is unwavering, even in the face of life's complexities. As we strive to make sense of trials and triumphs, this verse offers a perspective that transcends our human understanding. It is an assurance that no matter the circumstances, God is orchestrating a divine plan that leads to a purposeful and fulfilling outcome. All Things Work Together: Life's journey is a tapestry of experiences—both jo

Embracing the Spirit of Power, Love, and Self-Control: Overcoming Challenges as Christians

In a world where challenges and uncertainties abound, finding strength and courage to navigate through life's trials can be daunting. Fortunately, for Christians, there's a timeless verse that offers a beacon of hope and empowerment. 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that "God gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-control, not of fear." This profound message serves as a source of inspiration for believers, encouraging them to face adversity with confidence, love, and a strong sense of self-mastery. Unpacking the Verse: Power, Love, and Self-Control Let's delve deeper into the components of this powerful verse and understand how they equip Christians to conquer challenges.  Spirit of Power:  In the face of adversity, fear often takes center stage, robbing us of our confidence and inner strength. However, as believers, we are reminded that God imparts within us a spirit of power. This divine power isn't merely physical strength but an inner fortitude that enables us